Friday, September 20, 2013

Denver's New Drop-In Bowling Battle

Are you interested in participating in a unique bowling competition? Fun City's Drop-In Bowling Battle  is just that. It starts on Wednesday, October 2, 2013, and lasts through Wednesday, March 26, 2014. During this time, Fun City will be hosting weekly battles every Wednesday at 7pm. Teams must include at least 2 people, but there is no limit to how many people can join your team. Not only that, but you don't have to have the same teams each week. In other words, if you already have plans on Wednesday evenings in November, you don't have to join us that month and you aren't penalized.

The way our Drop-In Bowling Battle works is this:

1) Any week you want to participate, make sure you have at least one other person to bowl with you.
2) The cost for each person to participate is $10 per week.
3) Each week, 3 games are played. You are also entitled to 3 practice games, but these can only be played Monday through Friday.
3) Scores are determined each week by taking the combined team score of each game, dividing it by the  3 games played, and then diving it by the number of people on the team. The team with the highest average that week wins!
4) Every week, prizes will be given out for crazy battle contests.......but the fun doesn't end there!

If you are looking for something fun to do with friends, then head over to Fun City on Wednesday evenings at 7pm starting October 2. You'll be glad you came to check out this exciting event!

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