Monday, June 10, 2013

National Iced Tea Day in Denver

National Iced Tea Day is celebrated every June 10, a perfect way to kick off the summer season each year. Consumers can celebrate by making and enjoying their own iced tea at home, or by going out and ordering iced tea at restaurants and bakeries. Some places even offer their customers free or discounted tea in honor of the holiday!

Iced tea can trace its origins to the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, where ice was added to hot tea in order to cool off fairgoers. Since then, it has continued to grow in popularity. Tea has also been known to offer many health benefits, including improved dental health due to the natural fluoride found in tea. Some research suggests tea provides benefits for the health of the heart, brain, bones and for certain patients with cancer.

If you live in the Denver area, there are a few places offering freebies for National Tea Day.

1) Teavana has a printable coupon on their official website, good for a free Teavana Tea. The coupon is valid June 10th only, and is good for a free 16-ounce cup. This offer is good at all three Denver area locations, including Cherry Creek, Park Meadows and Flatirons.
2) 7-Eleven locations throughout Denver are offering a free, 16-ounce Snapple starting today and lasting through June 15. In order to get the freebie you must print out a coupon. This can be done by texting TEA to 711711, downloading the 7-Eleven app and loading the coupon onto it.

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